Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Venturing
Studienniveau: Master
Studiengänge: Agric. Science Trop/Subtr. (M. Sc.), Ernährungswissenschaften (M.Sc.), Molekulare Lebensmitteltechnologie (M.Sc.), Nutzpflanzenwissensch (M. Sc.)
Semester: Die Veranstaltung wird im Sommersemester angeboten
Sprache: Englisch
Prüfungsleistung: Project work
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Denise Fischer-Kreer
Weitere Informationen zu dem Modul finden Sie bei BASIS.
You (i) understand the specifies and requirements of sustainable entrepreneurship, (ii) are able to apply tools for sustainability-oriented idea generation and evaluation, (iii) have knowledge and skills to identify, develop, evaluate, and determine sustainable business models, and (iv) create the foundations of an entrepreneurial mindset.
The module "Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Venturing" is designed for students interested in start-ups and how entrepreneurship may help foster urgent sustainability transformations. The module provides an overview of the entrepreneurial process of discovering, evaluating, and implementing new business ideas and models to promote sustainable development. During the course, students will explore the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship, which encompasses the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and sustainable business models as well as entrepreneurial tools for sustainability.
Building on this, sustainable venturing embraces an active role and aims to harness the innovative power of entrepreneurship to solve global social and environmental challenges. In this context, students will work in teams to develop a sustainable business idea. Course participants will be able to identify social and environmental problems, develop ideas for solutions, analyse and evaluate alternatives, and develop plans to implement their solution. Students are guided through the process of applying entrepreneurial tools to advance their entrepreneurial ideas and turn them into business models. Students are also familiarized with concepts and tools for presenting their business idea.
„Ich muss zugeben, dass ich anfangs das Modul Entrepreneurship and Venturing nur belegt habe, weil es mal etwas anderes ist und ich ein Modul mit meinen Freunden gemeinsam besuchen wollte. Nun bin ich aber sehr froh dieses Modul belegt zu haben, da wir wirklich mal „Out of the box“ Wissen aneignen und - was viel wichtiger ist - Skills erlangen, die uns im wahren Leben voranbringen. Wie z.B. die Vorstellung eines Problems innerhalb von 60 Sekunden, wo wir doch in der Uni immer dazu neigen alles auseinander zu dröseln und detailliert zu diskutieren. Ich habe das Gefühl, in diesem Modul wirklich lebendig zu sein. Danke dafür! :)“
“In fact, I was interested in Entrepreneurship before the course starts, but I never had a guideline that motivates me for practical Implementation of my Ideas. This course offers theoretical background of how to work in a creative way. Having interactive conversations, building LEGO-Models or creating own solutions by growing a fictional company which addresses real problems are giving incentives for adapting new ways in making decisions both in career and personal life. Thanks for your input!”
”When I first signed up for sustainable Entrepreneurship & Venturing, I did not even know what it ment, I just choose it because it was new. Little did I know that it would soon turn out to be my favorite course in all my years of going to university. I always thought i was shy, but this seminar really made me come out of my shell and wanting to actively participate. The atmosphere was really great and the content surprised me everytime so that i was looking forward to every session. Finally, I think I really took something with me from this course and it even helped me to develop a new mindset and this is so rare for a university course!
All I can say is thank you! I hope a lot more students will join this seminar! It's worth it, i promise!”
Vergangene Semester
Die 4 Studierenden-Teams haben ihre unternehmerischen Lösungskonzepte für soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen vor einer Jury präsentiert. Die vorgestellten Konzepte beschäftigen sich mit einer besseren Verwertung von der Überproduktion von Lebensmitteln, Verhinderung von Lebensmittelabfällen im Privaten, einem besseren Zugang zu passenden Ausbildungsplätzen und der Schaffung lebenswerter Räume in Städten.
In der Jury saßen Markus Wille vom Transfercenter EnaCom, Vivi Dao und Thomas Binz von Enactus Bonn und natürlich Prof. Dr. Denise Fischer-Kreer, Kristin Brennhäußer, Raffael Stefanik und Moritz Mey vom Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurial Behaviour.
Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht mit euch und freuen uns, dass ihr den unternehmerischen Spirit so gut aufgenommen habt und selbst aktiv werdet.